
The Master of Education degree with a concentration in Health and Physical Education is a fully online program that provides advanced HPE coursework and is ideal for two distinct learner groups.

Current health and physical education teachers will elevate their skills in the specialization while completing their advanced degree. There aren't many HPE-specific graduate programs that allow you to focus on the content area you teach.

Candidates seeking licensure in health and physical education take foundational content area coursework to prepare for a rewarding teaching career. Students seeking licensure benefit immediately by earning their master's degree. Our schools need you!

Students pursuing the concentration will complete 34 credits of core graduate and health and physical education coursework. The licensure option requires additional coursework beyond the 34 credits for the master’s degree. 

Note: Teaching licensure is not available to acquire independently from the master's program. Students must apply for the master’s program to complete licensure coursework embedded within the program.

Visit the curriculum page to review the courses for both current teachers and those seeking licensure in health and physical education.


Program Details

  • 34 credits in two years
  • A fully online program
  • Flexible start options and customized course schedules
  • Cohort-based model
  • Summer and academic year schedules designed for working teachers
  • Focused on the needs of diverse learners of various backgrounds
  • Integrated course topics on social justice and equitable practices
  • Over a decade of experience preparing K-12 educators for personal and professional success
  • Graduate faculty invested in advising and mentorship

Goals and Outcomes

Goals | Students will:

  • Understand and demonstrate current methodologies in teaching and learning in today’s classrooms.
  • Understand principles of systematic inquiry in order to apply results to planning, instruction, and assessment.
  • Apply current technology methods and innovations to teaching and learning.
  • Develop skills and knowledge in skills-based health education and physical education.

Outcomes | Students will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of student development and contextual influences on student development and learning.
  • Develop pedagogical content knowledge to become more purposeful and intentional in their instructional practice as health and physical education teachers.
  • Evaluate and apply best practices in assessment.
  • Create effective, standards-based instructional materials, activities, and assessments to facilitate skills-based health and physical education experiences for students.
  • Evaluate scholarly literature and research and be able to conduct and report on research in their own classrooms and schools.


Graduate Studies

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