
做爱视频 in Moorhead, Minnesota, has an excellent reputation for preparing students for health professions.

The combined Dietetic Internship and Master of Science in Nutrition with an emphasis in dietetics leadership (DI/MS) meets this tradition of excellence. Our intensive program focuses on dietetics leadership and instills the importance and necessity of leadership and communication skills for entry-level professionals in today's dynamic workforce.

做爱视频 Criteria   Curriculum

Program Details

  • 39 credits
  • Five consecutive semesters (including one summer course prior to the first fall semester) as a full-time student
  • Cohort-based model with eight students each year
  • Graduate study and degree requirements established by the  and the 
  • Exceeds the minimum 1,000 hours of supervised practice experience (dietetic internship) necessary to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)
  • Applied Dietetic Practice courses utilize food service management, community, and clinical facilities throughout the Fargo-Moorhead area and surrounding communities
  • Personalized advising and mentorship from full-time faculty throughout the program (100% with doctorates in their respective fields)
  • Strategically designed coursework connecting theory and practical experience
  • Emphasis on dietetic leadership and professional communication skills
  • Intensive preparation for the CDR exam including comprehensive review, practice tests, and a two-day workshop
  • A master's capstone project to apply knowledge of dietetics and validate leadership skills
  • 100% of graduates are employed within 12 months of completing the program*
  • 100% pass rate of Concordia nutrition and dietetics graduates within one year of program completion*
  • Outcomes data are available upon request by contacting wagner@cord.edu


"Through the dedication of the staff at Concordia, their genuine care for my success, and their constant reliability and thoughtfulness, I feel more than prepared to enter the field of dietetics. In Concordia's DI/MS program, you do not just increase your knowledge about nutrition and dietetics; you are given opportunities to be a future dietitian that truly makes a lasting impact wherever you go." — Anna Seefledt '23


Graduate Studies

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